The Emperor is Out of Control

Lost Emperor, Make Way for the High Priestess The High Priestess of the Major Arcana in Tarot, embodies the Divine Feminine, sacred knowledge, intuition, change, and new beginnings. At this moment, we are coming out of thousands of years of rule by The Emperor. In his...

X. Phoenix Rising

“Darkening Moon” by Vanessa Hylande The High Priestess and Pluto: Ten Steps From Darkness to Light For me, I’m going to be doing things in a whole new way this year. I took the entire year of 2019 to allow the Phoenix to burn away completely. How...

IX. The Power of Surrender

The High Priestess and Pluto: Ten Steps From Darkness to Light Photography by the esteemed Howard Schatz, Orenstein Studios For those of you who have experienced birthing a child from your womb, you know that there is a certain point of no return once you begin active...

VIII. Humans Without Souls

The High Priestess and Pluto: Ten Steps From Darkness to Light Excess breeds deformity and decay. That is why balance is so beautiful. We see this in business, with monopolies, for example. The excess of one entity at the expense of all others always leads to moral...

VII. The Trumpets of Judgment Sound

The High Priestess and Pluto: Ten Steps From Darkness to Light If ‘authenticity’ is the theme of this age, then ‘responsibility’ is her sister. Liars and cheaters utilize neither, and this will become more and more clear if they refuse to...